Use this calculation screen if the current state of your form administration entails the following steps:

(1) Applicants download pdf forms from your website,
(2) Applicants print them out
(3) Applicants complete them,
(4) Applicants return them to you by fax or mail.

To answer the field entitled, "Time to Process One Form," ask yourself the following questions:

Once the form is returned, how much time do the administrators spend doing:
(1) form analysis?
(2) data entry?
(3) filing?
(4) third-party notification?

If your organization has more than ten such forms, please click here to download our spreadsheet.

Form Name Time to Process 1 Form Number of Uses Annually Wages Paid to Process this Form Total Annual Savings
1)   hours per year $ per hour $
2)   hours per year $ per hour $
3)   hours per year $ per hour $
4)   hours per year $ per hour $
5)   hours per year $ per hour $
6)   hours per year $ per hour $
7)   hours per year $ per hour $
8)  hours per year $ per hour $
9)   hours per year $ per hour $
10) hours per year $ per hour $

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