The Generic Resume Reporting Tool Free to Use

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The Generic Resume Reporting Tool searches an email box for resume forms, extracts them, and loads their data into the system's database for analysis. All this is done by pressing the Get Resumes button on the main menu below: 

Once the loading is done, recruiters can view the data in many ways. The reporting tool has 23 standard reports that compare candidates by specific aspects. It also has 11 chart reports, illustrating quantitative aspects of the overall candidate pool. However, the most important feature is the Query feature, shown below. With it, one can devise unique selection criteria to screen the candidates.

As the screen makes clear, the program translates the selections, in plain English, into the database query syntax. People familiar with SQL can write other, more complex queries.

Pressing the Run Query button will show a list of candidates meeting the criteria on the left. Clicking on one of the list items will show a report of the resume on the right panel, as shown below:

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